Geometry Dash
Build Battles

Welcome to the GD Build Battles website!

This is the official website related to Geometry Dash's Build Battles community project, a fan-made "game mode" that aims to create a new form of entertainment for level creators - and players too - through a competitive gameplay system.

Here you can mainly find useful information on how Build Battles work and their gameplay elements. We also store info of past events, challenges and tournaments officially held by the developing team, as well as some curiosities you might want to check. Browse this website to your heart's content!

Where can I build battle?

For the time being, the entire project is based on the use of our Discord bot Asper, which serves as a powerful tool to organize battles with other people. So, as long as you have a server with Asper in it, you can join competitive or friendly battles with anyone! For a global experience, though, we suggest you to join the official Discord server of Build Battles. You can find an invite link for it on the right tab (or down below, if you're viewing this on a mobile/smaller display).

A short backstory (and special thanks)

Creator Battles Highlights video thumbnail, Technical vs npesta Battle

While ordinary build battles might have been held in the past between some creators, this project essentially stems from the concept of Creator Battles, a series of Twitch livestreams hosted by Viprin in late 2020. Since then, I've always wanted to find a way to make those battles easily organizable between people, with eventual additional elements to make the experience a bit more entertaining.

In late 2022 I started working on the concept of a competitive system for Build Battles, showcasing the idea of Battle Points to friends and mutuals. Shortly after, I was able to interest two people in particular to make all of this possible, Flaks45 and Luar77. They both helped me A TON with this project, basically holding the entire thing up like a temple's columns. Give them all the love and support you could ever give to someone, because they damn well deserve it!

This thing ain't getting released until summer, probably. Have fun waiting lol

You can find us on Twitter too!

Asper, the mascotte of Build Battles, holding a heart